Ventricular extrasystoles

Many people come to the outpatient clinic with ventricular extrasystoles, the most common arrhythmia. The person’s main complaint is a jump in pulse or palpitations. This is basically nothing to worry about.

 The question is why we call it disappointment (extrasystole). The heart beats regularly 100,000 times a day. And if there are 60 beats per minute, that means that one time the heart contracts, the next time it contracts one second later. However. If it contracts before waiting that one second, it is called an extrasystole. In English, it is called PREMATURE BEAT. The English is more correct in describing the condition, as it beats before it matures and contracts. Beat before maturity is a better expression than disappointment.

 10,000 extrasystoles a day is not a problem. It is a vexing argument to say that more than how many times is a bad effect on the heart. It used to be that no matter how many contractions you had, there was nothing to worry about, but nowadays, more than 20,000 contractions can cause a decline in heart function and should be treated. I recommend that you see a specialist.

 If the palpitations are really bothering you and you want to be treated, I would give you medication, but if they are less than 20,000 times, I would tell you that I would not take the medication. Most of them then do not want to be medicated. It is very important for doctors to speak from the patient’s point of view. The fact that a doctor who has the same symptoms as the patient will not take the medication is extremely persuasive to the patient.

