Exertional angina is a symptom of chest tightness or pressure in the chest characteristic of angina pectoris that appears during exertion, that is, when climbing stairs, running, or carrying a heavy load. The cause of angina pectoris is the narrowing of the lumen of the coronary arteries that feed the heart due to arteriosclerosis. At rest, myocardial cells in the area supported by the coronary arteries do not suffer from blood flow shortage, but during exertion, if there is no stenosis, blood flow to the myocardial cells can be increased, but with stenosis, blood flow cannot be increased sufficiently. This leads to a relative lack of blood flow, and therefore lack of oxygen, to the myocardial cells that are nourished by the coronary arteries, and the appearance of symptoms. When exercise is stopped, the myocardial cells are no longer deficient in blood flow, and the symptoms disappear. Sometimes patients are not very concerned about their symptoms. This is because the symptoms subside as soon as the patient stops exercising. If you have any of the above symptoms, do not hesitate to see a specialist.
Exertional angina
